Clean Water
Water Projects
To this day, The Ripple Effect Inc has helped over 12,000 people access clean water. In 2009 TRE founder Michael Ewens began the process of guiding one village in building a gravity fed spring system. This started a ripple that continues to grow. We always work in collaboration with the community and with TRE’s help, the Ixil community has completed 15 water projects to date. Members of the community come together and volunteer to reach the goal. Men work hard constructing concrete holding tanks and connecting pipes that traverse mountain sides and thick jungle terrain. Each family contributes sand and gravel and even the local municipality has pitched in with funding and materials for most projects.

Gravity Springs
From a spring water is collected in concrete holding tanks and is moved by gravity through miles of pipes where it ultimately arrives in the homes of the community.

Concrete Rain Collection Tanks
Where no springs exist rainwater collection is key. Catchment systems are installed and concrete collection tanks hold enough clean water to last even through the dry season.

Fabricated Rain Collection Tanks
Families living and working on plantations do not own their land and are often forced out of their home without notice. Here we provide families with mobile rain collection tanks.
Future Plans: The Big Push
TRE’s dream is to see all 39 villages in this region with clean water. 15 villages still have water needs. Our goal is to do this in a three phase plan that will provide these villages with clean water in the next five years.